SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd添加 3 张新照片在Fruits - Jackfruits
Jun 28, 2020 at 11:09 pm —
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd更新发现大马水果页面
Jun 28, 2020 at 10:39 pm —


发现热带马来西亚水果的养份和功能 赤道地区(离赤道南北10度)的缠烂阳光和充足的雨水让植物能尽情的进行光合作用;植物不止取得良好的成长,其造糖能力很强;从而产生一些甜度很高(糖度超过20) 香气很浓,营养非常丰富的水果和香料。马来西亚水果和香草是很独特的产品;这些水果和香料都是在”瓜熟蒂落“才收成的,在亚洲没有其他地方能产出相等品质的水果和香料。 但热带地区与赤道地区仍有很大差异,泰国(15.87000“N),越南 (14. 0583'N) 和菲律宾(12.8797 N)都位于赤道地区之外,马来西亚位于4.0125'N,位于赤道地区中间,马来西亚有一个很独特的热带水果篮可供使用在许多方面,如食物,调味料,饮料等等,例如不很起眼的小桔子Calamansi或Limau Kasturi就是一种广泛使用的小水果,您可以在叻沙,鸡饭的辣椒酱,烤鱼,酸甜汤中遇上它; 甚至,咖啡和许多其他的冷热饮料;人们甚至会大麦饮料添加一定剂量的桔子汁。根据马来西亚农业研究和发展所首席科学家苏里鲁文博士(Dr Suri Roovi)的研究,这些不起眼的桔子有强大的有抗氧化剂 (anti oxidant) ;3个小桔子含有相当于10个苹果的抗氧化剂 Phoretin 和 Vitexin。   在阳光能量水果加工厂,我们正在建设研究更广泛和更健康的热带水果食用平台。在如何使用热带水果方面有无尽的可能性;从果皮,种子到肉。无论是桔子还是菠萝蜜,你都可以从整个水果中得到果汁,油,酶和醋;没有浪费。我们在筹建这个特殊单位,我们欢迎烹饪界或学术界的专业人士来合作;我们一起想要以更有趣的口味给世界带来惊喜。 CPPC将提供实验室,所需设备和原材料。所以如果你在饮料领域,烹饪艺术,烘培面包店和甜品的制造,冷热饮料,中国或/和国际烹饪,想要深度体验热带水果在烹饪上的神奇。请点击这里,以获取桔子饮料食谱。如果您有兴趣合作,请发送电子邮件或致电Keng在whatsapp 6012 255 6701。   桔子饮料食谱 Ķ
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd添加新网站条幅
Jun 28, 2020 at 10:32 pm —
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd添加新网站条幅
Jun 28, 2020 at 10:30 pm —
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd添加新网站条幅
Jun 28, 2020 at 10:29 pm —
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd添加新网站条幅
Jun 28, 2020 at 05:07 pm —
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd添加新照片在Tapioca Pearl / Boba
Jun 6, 2020 at 06:20 pm —
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd添加 2 张新照片在Frozen 100% Pure Juice
Jun 6, 2020 at 06:18 pm —
百香果 果汁
柳橙 果汁
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd添加新照片
Jun 6, 2020 at 06:16 pm —
SunFresh Fruit Hub Sdn Bhd更新Science@Orchard页面
Jun 6, 2020 at 05:42 pm —


Seeing Science in Action and Helping Urban Children overcome Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD) A Day Out at The Living Science Classroom at Dusun Matahari@Lanchang, Pahang   You have always wondered:   Why fruits are sweet? How to measure their sweetness?  What happens to durian where there is too much water during harvest? Plants cannot just survive on Nasi Putih Kosong ( NPK), what else do they need?  Why is the Ph of the soil affects the health of the plant? How is oxygen supplied to the roots?   Now you can fly DRONES to do spraying work? Have you seen it?  And more physics, chemistry questions in class,   Now in Nature’s setting you can really understand them.  Sign up as a school member, and every class at the secondary level gets a day out at the orchard,  It is not any other casual farm visit; it is a living Science Classroom.   A. HOW TO REGISTER: In 2019, we will launch the program for Junior High, and will begin with Training the Science Teachers in your school. This is how it works:  Your school sign up as a school member, Send your science teacher/teachers at the secondary level for training and briefing at the farm. The training will be conducted by Our Science Master. All the teachers who joined this program will receive a certificate of completion, that will enable the teachers to take and mentor their own school students.  Your school class by class book the visit in an annual calendar by paying a block fees. Each student membership is RM250  ( which entitles the students to one visit that includes bus, arranged meals, workbook and the use of tools at the farm) The school has to pre-booked all the class visits; for example if you have 4 classes of Year 9, you can book them all on one weekend. Our maximum capacity is 4 classes per day. B. Levels to be available:  Lower Secondary School ( Launching in 2019) Upper Secondary School Primary School Pre school .C. Science Activities Include:  Fruit Tree Trail / treasure hunt / riddles – Who am I?  identifying species. Mystery boxes ( Nursery ), farm maze, Seed germination and growing from twig Wonderful speed growth (grafting)   Hands on making of water irrigation models ( observe water irrigation system, man made ponds, then make models, understand gravity flow) Growth Boosting (fertilizers) ( Plant food – NPK) Combat! (pest/ wild boars/ bats, pesticides, drone)  Buzz…Busy Bees (fertilization)  Yahoo Harvesting time!  Yummy! Yummy! Fruit cutting & tasting time Look to the future ( Food Processing/ Technology: how to keep food natural and fresh) Photo shoot Fun in orchard Photo shoot plants & identifications Exploring & Facts finding with smart phones Life cycles of fruit trees/ other plants in the orchard Life cycles of insects in the orchard ( Bee, butterfly, dragon fly, beetles, earth worms.) Seasonal cycles of fruit trees What goes up & what comes down in a plant? ( model of Plant Transport System) Help! I am sick ( To identify & analyze some plant problems & suggest solutions) Fruit Power ( Fruit battery) How acidic/ alkaline am I? ( pH test on soil and fruits). Understand acidity and its impact on health. Fruit ripening process Buoyancy of fruits: Does fruits sink/ float?  Fruit tree propagation – grafting & budding Fruit Enzyme in the making Incredible nutrients & health benefits of fruits Surprising/ interesting facts about fruits (e.g. Which fruit has seeds on the outside?) Nature’s wardrobe (Orchard ecosystem & landscape) The magical leaf – photosynthesis Energy story: Energy from the sun to plant to fruits How do plants reproduce? Chained to the web ( Food chain/ food web) Orchard Biodiversity Orchard – Priority Habitats! (Which animals live in orchard?) Fruit taste test with 5 senses ( taste, smell, feel, see, hear) Types of Leaves & sorting  Types of fruits & sorting  Types of flowers & sorting  Types of roots & sorting Flowers/ Leaves art & craft From fruit to juice (Watch our juices are made at factory) Potting – grow your own flower plant in a pot. Watch a drone spraying session Fees include: Student membership per person per year  ( Fees will be advised upon signing up) This entitles to one visit to the farm that includes transport; water and free flow of fruit juices throughout day, fruits buffet and lunch, dinner, field trip and lessons, and materials used. Addutuibak visits will be chargeable.  Students will be prepared according to a checklist for the visit, a briefing session will be given by the science teacher of the school, to ensure the visit is enjoyable and rewarding, Students to  bring along a tool kit.  Each participant are advised to pay attention to the following:  Have a hearty breakfast before start, be early. The bus picks up at 7am from school, it is absolutely important that our participants arrive early at the farm to experience how the land and the plants wake up and to enjoy the brisk air and positive ions of nature. Parents are advised to prepare a breakfast box and some snacks for the child. A large water tumbler that can take at least 1 liter to bring along. You are advised to be dressed properly, absolutely no open slippers; long sleeve and long pants, Large hats and sun glasses, sun blocks, bring an extra set of clothing – we do not want students to be into the air conditioning in their sweaty attire, Towel, mosquito repellent, gloves, plastic bag, own safety aid and allergy medicine must be brought along in case of emergency.  The school group will be accompanied by their own Science Master and each class will have a class leader who is a teacher or parent. Our resident Science Mentor will supervise the program, and will assign Science Guides to help the group.  Students are encouraged to produce a piece of work documenting the visit, in video, ppt or movie. These works can be submitted to The Living Science Classroom facebook for sharing. Outstanding work will receive prices and receive mention.  The Science Teachers training is provided free by Science@Orchard.  Training Dates for 2019 school membership ( to be advised)   Schools interested to participate in the program are advised to register on the website and sign the Expression of interest form below:    Ķ
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