SunFresh Fruit Hub
Sdn Bhd (1258564-T)

8, Jalan PJS 3/49,
Taman Sri Manja,
7th Miles,
Off Jalan Kelang Lama,
46000 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
+603-7783 2933
+603-7784 3452

Lot 32, Bangunan CPPC
(Collection, Processing &
Packaging Centre)
Taman Kekal Pengeluaran
Makanan (TKPM) Lanchang
28500, Lanchang,
Pahang, Malaysia.

Export & OEM:
Anthony Tan


Supplier and Farmers Relationship:

Buying From Us:
Anthony Tan

Partnership & Cooperation:
W F Foong

Board & Management

Board of Directors: 
Executive Chairman: Mr Tsai Yao Hui
Managing Director: Madam Foong Wai Fong  
Director: Mr Foong Chan Kit 
Director: Mdm Tsieh Hsiu Chin 
Director: Mr Tsieh Yin Shen

Management Team: 
Executive Chairman: Mr Tsai Yao Hui,
Executive Director:  Madam Foong Wai Fong
Chief Technology Officer ( CT0): Mr Tzeng Ming Chin.
CEO and Factory Head:
Mr Foong Chan Kit
Deputy Factory Head; Mr Zaidi Md Nasir
Deputy Factory Head; Mr Choong Chee Keong
Sales & Marketing:  Mr Anthony Tan
Finance Director: Ms Hsieh Hsiu Chin

R&D Director:  So Kee Kok

Executive Chairman: Tsai Yao Hui (²ÌÒ«Ýx)
Co-founder and CEO of Yongda Food Technology Pte Ltd, Pingtung, Taiwan. Holder of EMBA from Taiwan Pingtung University of Technology. Mr Tsai has over 10 years of experience in food processing, especially in the juicing of citrus fruits. Mr Tsai installed the high quality production program of Yongda, giving emphasis to sourcing of fruits from farms that uphold good and safe practices. Mr Tsai is also a strong advocate of natural/organic farming, promoting sustainability in good agriculture practices to lessen the earth's burden from production.  In 2016, founded the 'Honest Farm' and redirect the business focus from B2B to B2C. Under his leadership, Yongda has a long term collaborative relationship with Taiwan Pingtung University; focusing on R & D on value add for production. 

ExecutiveDirector: Madam Foong Wai Fong
Madam Foong is the Chairman of the Dusun Matahari Group, the family group owned and operate 300 acres of orchards and a fruit marketing company in Malaysia. 
An economist by training, Madam has a varied career spanning over 3 decades as an entrepreneur; consultant and author.  she was the founder of the 38 years old marketing company Transforma Sdn Bhd which provided extensive services for international publications such as the Asian Wall Street Journal, National Geographic and other leading publications in the Asian region. She co-founded Megatrends Asia with US Futurist John Nasibitt, a trends research organization. Madam Foong moved to base in Shanghai in 1997 and since spent 17 years in China developing the research and education business. She was the co-founder of The GEM Group Suzhou, which owns two diploma colleges specialising in international business and software engineering, she now sits on the board of Centennial College Suzhou.  

Mdm. Foong is a much sought-after speaker and advisor by multinational companies and institutions on Asian trends. She serves on the advisory Board of many international organizations including the International Advisory Board of the City of Rotterdam from 2007-2009. Well-travelled and versatile in key Asian languages, she regularly contributes to regional economic and business publications. She has 3 best-selling books to her credit; “The New Asian Way,” “We have to talk, Mr. Prime Minister” and “Culture is Good Business”(Voted Top 10 best books in Taiwan in 2003 by Commonwealth Magazine). Madam Foong received the Top Women Entrepreneur Award from the Malaysian Government. Having lived in China since 1997, Madam Foong have a close up engagement with the Chinese economies; consults and manages private business enterprise in the Yangtze River Delta. ; Sine 1990's Madam Foong has been active in promoting sustainable food production; in 1997 she played a pivotal role in the disaster relief effort of the Nipah Virus which affected over 1 million animals. 

CEO & Factory Head : Foong Chan Kit
A veteran sales and marketing professional turned businessman, Chan Kit has been responsible for the acquisition and development of the family farms; he is the chief driver of farm productivity and the development of the sales network, under his care farm productivity increases every year and the value of the produce increases at a healthy rate. He has over 100 staff under his care; and has developed extremely good relations with farmers in the West Pahang Region (Lanchang-Raub-Temerloh-Bentong)Fruit Zone Chan Kit will be responsible for the management of contract farmers and linking producers to the CPPC. 

Director: Tsieh Tsiu Chin (ÖxÐãÇÙ)
Co-founder of Yongda Food Technology Pte Ltd, now head of administration and director at the Chairman's office. For over a decade, Madam Tsieh built the support system for Yongda, providing the backroom support service and system to enable the growth and expansion of the company. 

Finance Director: Lau Hong Kai
The Finance director at Transforma, the family holding company, Hong Kai will help oversee the finance of the CPPC operation. She has been the Chief Operation Officer (COO) of the Transforma operation for over 2 decades, very experienced at operation, accounts and finance. She manages the backroom of the Transforma administration and accounting operation, overseeing the database management of 100,000 customers. 

New Product Development & Technology: So See Kok  
So is an independent director invited from the Food and Ingredient Trade to join the board. He has extensive knowledge in management, marketing and operation management. He is a flavouring specialist; having worked for leading flavour companies in the region. A veteran business executive with an impressive record breaking profit credentials; he served as the general manager at Matrix Flavour & Fragrances Group of companies, Malaysia ( 2015-2017); So turned entrepreneur to start Oriental Reliance Ingredients Malaysia. responsible for product developments, customer base expansion and agency representation for the region.

So has experience and expertise in developing and managing food production factories; from 2008- 2013 he was VP/MD for Active International Asia Sdn Bhd ( later acquired by Givaudan); while on the job; he oversee the accreditation of HACCP, GMP, allergenic management, FSSC22000, in compliance with EF standard and food safety regulations; he obtained the First Halal accreditation ( globally) on 'Savory Flavour and Natural Colour Processing' from Jakim. 

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